Friday, May 29, 2009

What Happened to Tillie's?

Does anyone know why Tillie's on Webster Street is still closed? My first thought was that something happened to the owner? The diner shut down prior to Christmas, where the festive decorations were everywhere inside and on each table. Later on, when I was driving around Webster and Santa Clara right around Valentine's Day and saw the owner of Tillie's walking outside the restaurant to his car. The man did not appear to have health problems and he was strong enough to carry a large box outside to the car. So now when you pass by the diner, it is still closed, but the Christmas decorations are gone. I thought the diner was making money since it was always packed for breakfasts and on the weekends.

I will be sad if Tillie's does not re-open. Webster Street is in dire need of a good diner with a family atmosphere.


Anonymous said...

I have no way to verify the accuracy of this information but I heard that the kitchen had flooded and done some damage to the kitchen equipment and the structure.

Anonymous said...

Adding to the previous post, I also heard from someone involved in the West Alameda Business Association that there was some serious repair work needing to be done, and the owner of the building (different from the owner of the Tillie's business) wouldn't pay for the repairs. So Tillie's had to close.

kevin said...

An older blog post about this can be found here.