Thursday, August 2, 2012

Warm Nights...Long Lines at Tucker's

Thank goodness summer is here. Who doesn't love summer.  The days are longer, it's warmer weather (with the exception of San Francisco) and people are more ready to have a good time during the work week.  Warm weather invites people outside and to downtown Alameda where all of the action is.  One night I waited in one of the longest lines that I have experienced at Tucker's Ice Cream. The line was by the bathrooms.  Of course an ice cream joint will be busy on a warm night, but that night especially was jumping. The room was full of busy energy, lots of people coming and going, and watching people eat ice cream with happy and satisfied faces.   It was after 9 pm by the time I placed my order after a twenty minute or so wait. I have come to realize the best flavors for me at Tucker's are the chocolate flavors such as rocky road, health toffee crunch, mocha chip, chocolate chip and mint n chip.  There have been too many times I deviated away from chocolate and was not content.  I know what I like.

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