Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What is the holdup?

Do construction workers take holidays while working on projects in Alameda?  It seems that renovation in a few spots are taking a life time to get completed.  Two places on Webster Street that are taking forever are Cafe Jolie and Greek Meze.   The other places on Park Street is Doggy Style and the new Thai restaurant in the former Rolling Pin Donut space.   I hope these long pauses are not indicative of the economy or the city trying to intervene and holding up economic commerce.  A good example is Crema Bakery, I waited and waited for this place to open and the business never came to fruition.  Such a bummer.


WTC said...

Walked by Doggy Style tonight (Friday) about 8:30. It was open and serving. Had a couple of bistro type tables out front. Both were taken by customers. Didn't try it since we just ate at Burma Superstar.

Anonymous said...

I stopped by for a hot dog during Doggy Style's soft opening a few weeks ago. Great dogs!

Anonymous said...

I stopped by for a hot dog during Doggy Style's soft opening a few weeks ago. Great dogs!

Doggy-Style Hotdogs